Armor Design Software
ARMOR DESIGN ARMOR DESIGN. CAD software, which allows virtual development of the integrated armoring cages prior to manufacturing. Our team is driven by a passion for design, engineering and project management in all of our client’s projects. We offer systems and features at different levels.

Home of HeavyMetal Software. HeavyMetal Battle Armor. HeavyMetal Battle Armor is the only Official Battle Armor design program. Mindmanager 2002 Standard Edition. Dovers Optidrive Manual here. Apr 24, 2011 A program to design swords, shields, armor etc? Sure i can draw sword designs but i bet doing it in a computer will be more realistic i guess, anyway.
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Armored Capsule Design: Provides the vehicle with 360 degree protection utilizing ballistic steel CADEX Armor,develops the most sophisticated armoring designs and uses 3-D, CAD software, which allows virtual development of the integrated armoring cages prior to manufacturing. Our design experts are capable to integrate the various levels of armor perfectly into the existing vehicle structure, ensuring a precise conformance to the vehicle body resulting in better structural integrity and aesthetics in the finished product. All of the armoring materials used on our vehicles have been certified by H.P. White Laboratory, Inc. (a highly regarded US independent ballistics testing laboratory). CADEX ARMOR PREMIUM SUSPENSION & BRAKE UPGRADES Dependent on the base vehicle, CADEX Armor vehicles are equipped with heavy duty shock absorbers, springs and swaybars for conventional suspensions for the kinetic dynamic suspension system, or for automatic high control suspension.