Waves Plugins Bundle
As regular readers will know, I’m a longtime fan of Waves plugins. Founded in 1992, they are one of the earliest developers of widely-used audio plugins and have built up a vast collection of software effects, processors and instruments to choose from. It’s entirely feasible that just a DAW and one of the many Waves plugin bundles could be all you’d ever really need for your productions – but with this wealth of choice it can also be difficult to know which individual plugins or bundles might best suit your purposes. Convert Mb To Kb Software. So in an effort to both provide some clarity for those newer to music production in general and Waves in particular, and also as an interesting frame for more experienced producers to consider their own collections and favourites, I posed myself the question, ‘If I had to recommend a handful of Waves plugins that every producer should own (or at least demo), which would they be?’ Below you can find the roundup of some of my all-time favourite Waves plugins. These 14 (I couldn’t keep it down to 10 in the end) are plugins that I’ve naturally found myself coming back to time and time again, and the list includes some of the most distinctive classic hardware emulations and cutting edge audio processors you can find anywhere.
Diamond now includes all the plug-ins found in Waves Platinum, Restoration, and Transform bundles as well as MaxxVolume, L3-LL Multimaximizer, and more. Find great deals on eBay for Waves Plugin Bundle in Music Recording Software for the Computer. Shop with confidence.

By the way, click through on each entry in the list to get more info from the Waves site on which bundles they are included with. (Full disclosure: While the links from GTPS to the Waves site are affiliate-enabled, this article and the editorial selection of this list are entirely ours and independent from Waves. GTPS is based on a firm policy of only recommending software and equipment we actually use ourselves every day, so you can be sure that when we talk about particular companies and products it’s because we genuinely love them!) The original Ultramaximizer, the L1, was really the first Waves plugin to become fairly ubiquitous throughout the studio world, and it’s still a much-loved favourite of many. Rs232 Serial Port To Ttl Converter Communication Module For Arduino.