Vista 2d/3d Seismic Data Processing Software
RadExPro is a seismic processing software on Windows. It is well suited for in-depth HR/UHR marine seismic processing, real-time marine 2D/3D seismic QC, onboard fast track processing, land and marine off–line seismic QC, complete processing of near–surface seismic data (reflection, refraction, tomography, MASW) and VSP processing. We offer high–quality product for a competitive price. The software is developed since 1992. It is being used by hundreds of geophysical and geotechnical companies in more than 50 countries all over the globe. RadExPro has become our preferred processing software for 2D & 3D sparker multichannel data (UHRS) since the early of 2015.
The reasons being that it has the full suite of processing modules for the complete processing of our UHRS data; it is the only software in the market with the database management and processing tools to resolve source and receiver motion with the vertical accuracy we require; and lastly but not the least, DECO Geophysical has always provided prompt support and has strived to meet our needs for new software tools and features. — Henrique Duarte, Director of the Marine Department GeoSurveys Consultants in Geophysics.
MM–GEO Limited use RadExPro since 2008 mainly for field seismic acquisition QC, processing and analysis of field trials and, in some case, for 2D data processing. We use it in acquisition projects in Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia, Iraq and Western Siberia. Our geophysicists and supervisors like RadExPro primarily because it is very handy and flexible and runs on conventional Windows laptops. We are also very happy to see how fast the software is being updated and improved, as well as how prompt and responsive is the support team. — Vyacheslav Marutyan, acting CEO MM–GEO Limited. Having used RadExPro Professional for diverse near-surface research projects we can say that this software package does a great job.

Having this very ergonomic and reliable package of seismic processing tools available is quite a technical plus point, either at fieldwork with QC–tools or back at the office with the full variety of processing steps. Besides vibrator shearwave applications we have been extensively using the MASW tools which worked amazingly well at even very small geophone separations like 0.2 m—no number rounding problems! Voodoo Circle Broken Heart Syndrome Rapidshare. Last not least to mention that RadExPro runs smoothly even on small notebook computers. This is quite convenient while using the software for QC or any other application at field sites. Kathage, Managing Director GeoHiRes International GmbH. RadExPro provides a complete solution for in–depth processing of HR/UHR marine seismic data including advanced denoising, high–resolution offshore statics, designature (automatic wavelet estimation, deghosting, debubbling, deconvolutions), efficient demultiple algorythms for multi–channel (SRME) and even single–channel data (Zero–Offset Demultiple), 3D regularization, pre–stack and post–stack migrations, etc. Data on the picture is an ultra–high resolution (up to 3000 Hz) record acquired by with a 48–channel streamer and a sparker source at 2–5 m water depths.
VISTA is a software package for field QC and processing of 2D and 3D seismic data acquired on land, offshore, or though VSP. Software for HR/UHR marine seismic processing, real-time 2D/3D marine seismic QC, land/marine offline QC, processing of near–surface seismic data. Geomage g-Platform seismic data processing software provides robust and precise tools for manipulating 2D and 3D seismic data and getting most accurate seismic imaging.