Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Latest Patch

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Ubitsoft has today released a online game update/patch for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Xbox 360. Jump onto Xbox Live to update your console with the latest fixes. There are a huge list of improvements and fixed features in this update and they include the following: What's Improved Weapon Switch Swapping to & from Pistols are now faster in Multiplayer. Sound Loops Optimized sound bank to improve weapon firing and helicopter sound clips that loop over and over. Pings Servers now update their pings more often so that players have a more accurate value of server performance. Team Leader Respawn Modification Spawn Shield is shorter when respawning with the Leader.
Candy Sprinter Hob Manual. XP Modifiers When there are more people on a team than the other, there is an overall XP modifier applied to all XP gained during the game. Outfitting By pressing the start button, players now have access to the outfitting menu in observer mode. Team Deathmatch Respawn Modification Respawning in Team Deathmatch now work like regular Deathmatch (random points throughout the map) which intensifies gameplay and minimizes spawn camping/trapping. Faster Respawns Faster respawns for Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch.
You no longer have to wait a full 10 seconds! Custom Search Players who enter a room using custom search then exit will be brought back to an automatic search with the same criteria. What's Fixed Rank Reset Glitch Fixed. Players will be able to use their Xbox guide during the game loading without risk of losing their rank.
Private First Class Achievement If you are ranked Private First Class or above, you will automatically get the achievement after the title update is complete and you load your gamer profile. Freedom Shall Prevail - Achievement If you’ve passed all checkpoints on Story Mode on Realistic and finished the game, you will automatically get the achievement after the title update is complete and you load your gamer profile. That Wasn’t So Hard - Ribbon Your ribbon now unlocks when you get the achievement. Light Machinegun Sound Glitch When firing continuously with any light machinegun, the sound of the weapon will no longer get cut off. Civilians & Hostages on Tactical Map No longer are displayed as terrorists. Shield Teleport Glitch Players can no longer teleport when trying to take cover with a shield Out of Map Glitch Players can no longer cover-peek into each other to raise a team mate above their heads that allows them to walk into areas outside the designated map. Friend Invite in Ranked Matches Inviting friends in Ranked Matches now work correctly.
Custom Face Previously, Custom faces were sometimes copied over to another player’s face. This is no longer the case. Custom faces will display the proper faces. Radar Jammer Radar Jammer now work for clients, not just hosts. XP Farming - That one famous area in ACT 1 “Ambush” will no longer allow XP Farming.
Observer Mode Players will no longer be stuck in the respawn screen at 0 seconds while in observer mode. Weapon Restriction The weapon restriction configuration is no longer kept in Terrorist Hunt, Story and Co-op Story. Custom Camo 3 Save The colour and pattern of Custom Camo 3 now saves correctly. Askep Kanker Endometrium Pdf Software there. Well, there we have it. That's all the info on the latest Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Updates.
For all the latest R6V2 news, achievements, cheats and other info keep track via the 360-hq.com games database by visiting the link below. 360-Hq Game Database: ( Subscribe via ) Associated Topics. Most Recent Trailers for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Currently Ranked: 139 of 2135 Published on June 28, 2008 08:06:21 Currently Ranked: 106 of 2135 Published on February 14, 2008 05:02:11 Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Achievements (47) There are 47 achievements with a total of 1000 points available Use the Xbox Live Vision to create a character with your appearance. 20 Create your own custom camouflage. 10 Achieve the rank of Elite 50 Achieve the rank of Officer 30 Achieve the rank of Private First Class. 10 Xbox 360 Clans for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (1) Clan Title Clan Leader.