Rachana Malayalam Typing Software
Open source software to read and write Malayalam in your PC. Rachana Download. Half Life 1 Aim Hack. Use Mozhi Keyman to type Malayalam directly in any application. Preview and download the Manjari Meera, Rachana, AnjaliOldLipi, Chilanka, Keraleeyam, Dyuthi, Suruma, Uroob free unicode fonts by Swathanthra Malayalam Computing.. How To Install Buttonfacade Skins.
Download Manjari malayalam unicode font Manjari malayalam unicode font download from here, This font is made by Santhosh Thottingal after Chilanka handwriting font. This is the 11th front from Swathanthra Malayalam Computing. Rachana, Meera, Anjali, Suruma, Raghu Malayalam, Dhyuthi, Keraleeyam, Uroob, Chilanka, Kurumbi are the fonts from SMC. You can download this free malayalam unicode font from here. Already mentioned that there are three variants for manjari malayalam fonts.

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Rachana Regular TrueType Font - General Information File size: 374.4 KB Font Author Share this font Link to this font Link: Font Family name Rachana Font Subfamily name Regular Unique font identifier FontForge;Rachana_04;31-1-2008 Full font name Rachana Version string Rachana:04;Revision:0.200 Postscript name Rachana Trademark Rachana_w01 is a trademark of Rachana Akshara Vedi (Chitrajakumar R, Hussain KH, Rajeev Sebastian, Gangadharan N, Vijayakumaran Nair, Subash Kuraiakose ). Manufacturer Name Rachana Akshara Vedi (Chitrajakumar R, Hussain KH, Rajeev Sebastian, Gangadharan N, Vijayakumaran Nair, Subash Kuraiakose ) Designer Hussain KH Description Rachana Akshara Vedi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India Rachana is a language campaign forum for the Original script of Malayalam in the digital computing. It started in 1999 under the leadership of R. Chitrajakumar (Malayalam Lexicon, Kerala University, Palayalm,Thiruvananthapuram). Hussain KH (KFRI, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur) is the project coordinator who designed the font. Other Members are: Gangadharan N (Malayalam Lexicon) who assisted Chitrajakumar in compiling the exhaustive character set of Malayalam; Dr.
P Vijayakumaran Nair (KFRI) who assisted in programming the Rachana text editor which was used by many from 1999 to 2005 to typeset Books and journal articles in the old Lipi; Subash Kuriakose (KFRI) who gave advice to Hussain in the many aspects of Malayalam calligraphy. Later in 2004 Rajeev J Sebastian joined the Rachana team, whose mastery in Linux and untiring work is elevating the campaign to materialize its highest dream that to embed the original script in the OS enabling it in the whole field of digital applications. Mammen Chundamannil (KFRI) is an ardent supporter and well wisher of Rachana whose article 'For our language, our script' has spread the vision and objectives of Rachana to the whole world. The fonts RACHANA_W01.TTF and RACHANA_W01.OTF are the first set of Unicode compliant Open type fonts that contains the exhaustive character set of Malayalam compiled so far by Rachana team. Your valuable suggestions and comments are always welcome. Please visit our site www.rachanamalayalam.org URL Vendor www.rachanamalayalam.org URL Designer hussain@rachanamalayalam.org; hussain@kfri.org License description Rachana Medium OpenType font Copyright (C) 1999-2005, Rachana Akshara Vedi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.