Pma Activation Of Jurkat Cells Wiki

Contents • • • • • • • Cell Characteristics Growth Information [ ] Note that although THP-1 cells are of the same lineage, mutations can cause differences as the progeny proliferates. Characteristics [ ] These cells show a large, round, single-cell morphology. They are derived from the peripheral blood of a 1 year old human male with acute monocytic leukemia. Some of their characteristics are: • They have and and lack surface and cytoplasmic. • They produce. • They stain positive for, produce and are (both for latex beads and sensitized erythrocytes). • They can restore the response of purified to.
• They show increased production on phagocytosis and can be differentiated into macrophage-like cells using for example (commonly known as PMA or TPA). • Following the differentation into macrophages, they can be polarized into the M1 phenotype by incubation with IFN-γ and LPS, or to the M2 phenotype by incubation with interleukin 4 and interleukin 13 • They can also be differentiated into immature dendritic cells, using for example recombinant human interleukin 4 (rhIL-4) and recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF), and mature dendritic cells using rhIL-4, rhGM-CSF, recombinant human tumour necrotic factor α (rhTNF-α) and Ionomycin.
High impact information on Jurkat Cells. Or to PHA plus PMA. Fas stimulation of Jurkat cells is known to. T cell activation in Jurkat cells. Thus, TNFa activation of NF-KB appears to be independent of PKC activation in Jurkat cells. Or PMA plus PHA (PP)-treated Jurkat cells (B).
Phorbolestertreatmentinhibits phosphatidylinositol3-kinase activation by, andassociationwith, CD28,aT-lymphocyte. PMA treatment of Jurkat T cells prevented the. Diagnosesoftware Vw Golf 5 there.
• The for THP-1 using molecular-based typing methods is HLA-A*02; B*15; C*03; DRB1*01, DRB1*15; DRB5*01/02; DQB1*05, DQB1*06. Growth Information [ ] This cell line can provide continuous culture, grown in suspension; 1640 + 10% FBS + 2mM L-Glutamine. The average doubling time is 19 to 50 hours. 1 mM sodium pyruvate, penicillin (100 units/ml) and streptomycin (100 μg/ml) are also commonly added to inhibit bacterial contamination.
Cultures should be maintained at cell densities in the range 2-9x10 5 cells/ml at 37 °C, 5% CO 2. Cells are non-adherent. Hazard [ ] Cell line of human origin. There is no evidence for the presence of infectious viruses or toxic products. However, it is recommended that cultures are handled under Biosafety Level 2 containment. References [ ].
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Much of the current information on this page has been automatically compiled from Pubmed. This precompiled information serves as a substrate and matrix to embed your contributions, but it is by no means the final word - Homo sapiens can do much better! WikiGenes is a non-profit and open access community project -. Disease relevance of • Noncytotoxic concentrations of the drug () inhibited interaction of with its motif and the stimulation of LTR-driven in. • analysis revealed the presence of endogenous / complexes in, a leukemic line derived from a patient. • We also show that and/or, which are PIP3 phosphatases that inhibit the activation of downstream effectors of the PI3-kinase cascade, are disrupted in both neoplasias and in multilobulated nuclei-forming. • Finally, of tax into resulted in induction of specific binding of nuclear extracts to the sequence.
• We have shown that the Z gene product, which binds to sites as a and has sequence similarity to c-Fos, can efficiently activate the,, in certain cell types (i. Atheros Ar9285 Driver Windows 7 32bit. e., ) but not others (i.e., ). High impact information on • expression in facilitated MBG or EBO entry, and FR-blocking reagents inhibited infection by MBG or EBO. • However, we were unable to detect IL-1 binding to. • 5' deletion constructs extending to -327 directed CAT expression in HTLV-I-infected, which express alpha constitutively, and in, which express alpha only after induction. • Although human and mouse primary that express a low level of were resistant to the soluble form of FasL, they were efficiently killed by membrane-bound FasL. • To explore the potential of human for, this portion was transfected into HIV-1-susceptible CD4+ by means of a mammalian expression vector. Chemical compound and disease context of • A short segment of DNA, which includes the region of induced, confers inducibility on the linked acetyltransferase gene in transiently transfected.