Omnisphere 1.5 Patch List
After many years of development, Spectrasonics is proud to release the brand new flagship virtual instrument Omnisphere. This epic ‘Power Synth’ breaks completely.
Spectrasonics bring yet more goodies to the Omnisphere party, aiming to make their highly acclaimed synth even better. Fumefx Install Problem there. The Orb as it appears from within Omnisphere. Click the ball (or touch the surface with your finger if using Omni TR) and then spin it around the circle to generate timbral changes.
Spectrasonic omnisphere patch library update 1 5 5. Torque Software For Windows 7. Décompressez Omnisphere_Patch_Library_Update_1_5_5 et VIP_Patch_Library_Update_1_3_1 et dans les. But in a release modestly titled “1.5,” Omnisphere hones its true talent. SYNTH ENGINE 6 LFOs per patch, 8 multi-breakpoint looping envelopes per patch.
Spectrasonics' Omnisphere is a multitimbral virtual instrument whose patches are based on a 40GB collection of varied, often remarkable audio recordings, paired with a powerful DSP synthesizer. Individual patches consist of two layers, each with extensive timbral and modulation capabilities, effects and filters.
That's over‑simplifying things a tad, though, and to get a better appreciation, I recommend a leisurely read of the December 2008 SOS review (). Activate Windows 8 Pro Build 9200 Keygen more. In a world where you rarely get owt for nowt, this free update was keenly anticipated. Thanks to enticing Youtube demos of a mysterious 'Orb” and details of an iPad application, plus rumours of a host of new patches, we users watched our calendars avidly until the Promised Day in February.

When it appeared, 1.5 was followed in rapid succession by two further bug‑fixing updates, so the version discussed here is actually 1.5.2. It's surprisingly tough to rank the update's content in order of preference, so I'll start with the most generous: the addition of 780 extra patches, pushing Omnisphere's database beyond the 5000 mark!

As the synth's 'STEAM' engine has been boosted (in the oscillator department) by this upgrade, many new patches elect to demonstrate this rather than drawing from the core sample library. Identifying the members of the latest collection is as simple as typing '1.5' into the patch browser's search box. Conscious that entire afternoons are lost in this way, for brevity's sake I'll confine my observations to just a few instant favourites: Machine Of Malice: This is a chugging patch layering a 'Brutal Moog' sample with a Harmonia‑rich noise sequence.
Put simply, Harmonia is a process that multiplies an oscillator up to four times; here it boosts both of the patch's layers, giving, in effect, 10 oscillators — or a throbbing backing‑track from one finger! There Will Be Pain: A tense string patch in which members of the orchestra deviate from the path of conventional tuning as the Harmonia oscillators' levels and detunes are modulated.
At a touch of the mod wheel, the atmosphere turns positively scary, thanks to the introduction of polyphonic bit‑crushing. Whispers Of Doom: A drone of epic proportions, this is an ominous soundscape of unsettling groans and whooshes adrift in a dark sea of reverb. Triplet Wobbler: uses no samples, just a layer of DSP oscillators with the Waveshaper's Crusher and Reducer both drafted in to create a full, hard‑edged wobble bass. The mod wheel controls wobble speed. Ode To Gary: described as a tribute to Gary Numan, again using only the DSP oscillators, this rich polysynth patch is constructed out of detuned Harmonia oscillators, with further oscillators faded in by the mod wheel. Complex evolving pads and psychoacoustic atmospherics, addictive arpeggios, every synth type known to man, acoustic and ethnic instruments, spooky choirs.
You name it, there are new and stylish examples here. The best database of synth patches I've ever played just got even better. Granular Zoom: This page gathers all the parameters of Granular Synthesis around a central graphic that does a pretty decent job of representing the depth and density of the sample grains. Next up is the most innovative enhancement. On the face of it, the Orb is a circular control that induces tonal changes to any patch without making demands on the user in terms of understanding.
If you don't like its transformations, or if you just want to check out some alternatives, the 'Dice' button shuffles the target parameters under the covers. You are never notified what is being selected for control, but clearly some intelligence is present to weed out unusable results. Although the Orb's motion can be controlled by a mouse, a track pad or other hardware controllers, it really comes alive for iPad owners, thanks to the free App, Omni TR. Parking the iPad for a moment, the Orb's role is to deliver instant, controllable timbral variations from the heart of Omnisphere's STEAM engine. Its two controls — Angle and Radius — relate to the scenes of parameters and the intensity of the effect. The most dramatic changes occur furthest from the Orb's centre, and if the drama gets too much, the original sound may be restored at any time by hitting Clear.