Hack Diablo 2 Bang Udietoo
FireFaery, Under Windows 10, starting with version 1.14a, the Diablo II save folder is now located at: C: Users Windows User name Saves DiabloII You can verify this by inspecting the NewSavePath entry in the following registry key: (note) The Windows Registry Editor 'Regedit' is used for this HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE Blizzard Entertainment Diablo II ______________________________________________________________ I'm available in the forums Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time, Feedback? Figured it out. Here's a link here on Battle.net for anyone that's reading this post, and also found it confusing. Here's the real solution for those of us that use a real PC, and not a Mac running Windows (I have an iPad, so I'm not criticizing anyone for using Mac; it's just that in my humble opinion it's honestly a little silly to be running Windows on Mac.

Browse and play mods created for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction at Mod DB. 2017 Hack 'n' Slash Diablo 3 Theme for Diablo 2.txt install read me is. Browse through the recently added Comments for UdieToo MedianXL Editor on the Diablo 2 game. Most are, diablo 2, starcraft, and warcraft 3 can even be purchased. We’ve also begun working to improve our cheat-detection and hack-prevention capabilities. Tool Hack Diablo 2 Median Xl. 1/31/2016 0 Comments. Diablo 2 Hack Median XL. UdieToo MedianXL Editor is an Ultimate Hero Editor for the latest new mod.
If you need Windows that badly, build a cheap PC.) Real Solution: 1 - Go to your Diablo II Folder under 'C: Program Files (x86)' if you're running 64 bit Windows. 32-bit Users go to 'C: Program Files'. 2 - Open your Diablo II Folder and look for a folder called 'save' 3 - Go to your user profile folder by either clicking your user icon on the desktop or going to your user name path directly ( i.e.
'C: Users [YOURUSERNAME] Saved Games' ) 4 - If you do NOT see a folder named 'Diablo II' make a new folder and call it 'Diablo II' (without the quotes). 5 - Copy ALL of the files from 'C: Program Files (x86) Diablo II save ' [.or 'C: Program Files Diablo II save' for 32-bit users ] to the new Diablo II folder.
NOTE: In some cases patching Diablo II (happened to me, but I backed up before I upgraded to Windows 10 and then patching Diablo II) will cause the 'save' folder under the Program Files (x86) Diablo II to be deleted. Nineta Popa-buna Ziua Maica Buna. If you have a hard drive backup with your information on it, you can still put the files in the 'save' folder into the new location because the files are completely portable.
Hope this helps people. I too have a 'virtual store' folder under my user profile, but it has no effect on the save games. The solution turned out to be much simpler than the conversation here would have lead many to believe. 09:08 AMPosted by FireFaery, Under Windows 10, starting with version 1.14a, the Diablo II save folder is now located at: C: Users Windows User name Saves DiabloII You can verify this by inspecting the NewSavePath entry in the following registry key: (note) The Windows Registry Editor 'Regedit' is used for this HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE Blizzard Entertainment Diablo II ______________________________________________________________ I'm available in the forums Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time, Feedback?
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Omrakos. 04:24 PMPosted by I found out why i couldn't see the 'saved games' folder. I use a Swedish Windows 10. The folder is called 'sparade spel'. If you write 'C: Users YourUserName Saved games' in the location bar, you will find your characters. Windows renamed the 'Saved games' folder to something else if you're using a non-english version of windows. I have looked in the save folder in my Diablo 2 folder and also in the Saved games folder but they are both empty.