Games To Teach About Moses

Find and save ideas about Moses crafts on Pinterest. Supplemental Gospel Project for Kids crafts and activities: Unit 5 Session 1 Moses was Born See More. MOSES LESSON: In all of the games today that use dolls. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday.
CRY AND FIND: Children will scatter around a designated area. Peavey Eurosys 500 Xt Manual. One child will be IT and the children will hide and then make a 'cry' sound now and then to give clues to the child of where they might be hiding with their sounds. When found, that child will join in trying to find the 'crying' sounds until everybody has been found! Encourage children to listen to our story today and to see who was crying in the Bible Lesson.

My Name Is Kim Sam-soon Ost Zip. SANDALS OFF RELAY: Divide the children into two teams. Candy Girl New Edition Midi Files. All children will take off their shoes/sandals and put in a big pile at the end of the room.
All children will run to the pile and grab their OWN shoes and put them on and run back to their team lines. See which team can find and put on their own shoes in the quickest time. SHEEP LEADING: Children can form 2 or more lines (depending on the size of the class). Hold on to each other's waists and follow the 'sheep leader' wherever he/she goes. When the whistle blows, the first sheep leader will run to the back of the line and take hold of the waist of the child in front of him/her and then continue to have the front sheep/leader lead his sheep around the area until the whistle blows again.
Continue to play as long as time allows or as long as each child has had a chance to play the 'sheep leader'. SHOE BIBLE VERSE: Let each child trace their own shoe and cut out of construction paper. Write today's Bible verse on the shoe and add laces and decoration to the shoe. Stick a magnet to the back of the shoe to be place on a refrigerator. I AM WHO I AM BANNER: Children can work together as a class or in groups to make a banner to hang over the classroom door. A large poster board with holes punched in the top for one side and one group to work on and another large poster board with holes punched in the top for the other group to work on.
Each group will decorate their side of the banner with I AM WHO I AM and other words from today's lesson. Hang the poster board by string or thin rope over the top of the classroom door. BURNING BUSH MURAL: Give children supplies to draw a burning bush and shoes off to the side. Then the class can paint the mural to hang on the door or the classroom wall. Write words from today's lesson for children to remember the Burning Bush and STANDING ON HOLY GROUND, etc.
BURNING BUSH FINGER PAINTING: Children can be given a large piece of paper that the teacher has drawn the burning bush outline as desired. Then the teacher can give red and yellow and orange finger paint blobs on each sheet so children can smear and finger paint the burning bush area. Children can write with fingers in the paint such words as HOLY GROUND, or I AM, etc. SHIFTING SHOES: The teacher can have many cut outs of shoes around the room. Each shoe will have a word from today's Bible verse.