Extensis Portfolio Update

• •,, announced the 2016 edition of their DAM solution, Portfolio yesterday. The new features are described below: • Version control • Asset check out and check in • File locking • Secure, Centralized Storage Asset check out and file locking read like they’re very similar features to me. I would guess the difference is that check in allows any user to lock a file whereas ‘file locking’ enables an administrator to do this without any workflow implications – but there’s no detail on this in the press. I did find which more or less confirms what I thought. I would want to know more about the ‘secure centralized storage’ and what exactly this is, apart from access to assets being mediated by user access controls (which is the case for almost every other on-line DAM system available). There is quite a long list of other features described in the press release, but ensure you read this line which precedes it: “ These new features build on the rich set of functionality Portfolio is known for” [] In other words, the second list of items were there already and were first offered in prior editions. When companies do this, it suggests they haven’t got much new to say and need to pad out the press release with filler copy.

Looking at the earlier list, that would appear to be the case. Here’s the quote from Toby Martin, head of development at Extensis: “ Portfolio 2016 is DAM for the rest of us.

Extensis helps designers & fortune 500 companies streamline their workflows by making the most out of their font & digital asset investments.

It’s simple to set up, easy to use, and requires little to no ongoing maintenance. Within moments, you can organize your digital files and share them throughout your organization and beyond, allowing everyone to find what they need, in the moment they need it. Secrets Of Professional Sports Betting Pdf. ” [] I might re-phrase that to “Portfolio 2016 is DAM like all the rest of them” since there isn’t a single item mentioned that various of the competition do not already have (indeed, most of them now). Other vendors take note: ‘simple’, ‘easy to set up’, ‘requires little or no ongoing maintenance’ are not a competitive advantages any longer: nearly everyone who you will be pitching against for new business already claims to have them too. As alluded to in Toby’s soundbite, these are what are referred to as ‘maintenance features’, i.e. People expect them to be there and they only notice (and get quite upset) when they are not. You won’t sell product talking about stuff that you’re already supposed to provide anyway, it’s a bit like us saying “DAM News: a journal with words, titles and articles you can read at legible font-sizes”. If you are an existing Extensis customer this release might help persuade you to stick with them, but I can’t see anything which would convince new customers that they are a great deal different from.