Betrayal Knows My Name Episode 1 Dub

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Synonims: Betrayal Knows My Name, Uraboku Genre:,,,, Type: TV Series Age Rating: Teen +17 Status: Finished Description: Sakurai Yuki is an orphan with a mysterious ability. Found near the fence of his current home, the Asahi Orphanage, Yuki strives for independence. The last thing he wants is to be a burden on anybody. His ability makes this nearly impossible, however; whenever he touches someone, he feel their emotions and see the darkness within their hearts and exactly what caused such darkness. Unable to control his ability, Yuki has often made insensitive blunders while trying to empathize with the person he feels pain for.
The Betrayal Knows My Name - Moment, Get Going Season 1 episode 1 cast and plot information. Watch full Uraboku Episode 1 in english subbed online or stream Uraboku 1 eng. Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, Betrayal Knows My Name Episode 1. Betrayal knows my name episode 1 dub. File save activation 3. Tiffany Co Pocket Serial Numbers. Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Episode 1 English Sub. Betrayal Knows My Name Anime Title. Watch Series - The Betrayal Knows My Name - Season 1 - Episode 1 - Sakurai Yuki is a mysterious boy with a mysterious ability. He was found in the bushes as a baby.
Secrets Of Professional Sports Betting Pdf. Now, however, with death threats clouding his judgement and his ability increasing immensely, what will happen when a man claiming to be Yuki's older brother appears?